ForEach() vs Map()

ForEach() vs Map()

Hey People! 👋 Ever found yourself in the JavaScript jungle wondering about the difference between forEach() and map()? 👨‍💻Yeah, been there too!

I've noticed these two methods being swapped like Pokémon cards, and they're not quite the same! So, let's clear the air.

💚 forEach(): It's like having a to-do list. You go through each item, do something with it, BUT it doesn't hand you a new list. Just a good ol' task completion vibe. ❤️ map(): Now, this one is called by what it really does. It not only takes you through the list and does whatever bunch of logic you want, but hands you a whole new Array. Mapping at its finest!

In the coding rush, we might mix them up. (Been there!) But understanding their strengths can turn your code from a puzzle to a masterpiece. 👨‍💻🖥️

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